Joesef - Comedown [Video]


Scot singer-songwriter Joesef hits us right in the feels with his soulful single ‘Comedown’. "It's about admitting defeat in a break up, while remembering the reasons you loved someone in the first place," he explains.

Inspired by recurring dreams he had during last year’s lockdown, Joesef’s visual for his latest track ‘Comedown’ manifests that feeling of complete brokenness that can follow the end of a relationship: "I'd been having dreams about crashing and being in an accident," Joesef says. "So I thought it would be cool to offset the gentle nature of the tune with a visual that was a bit graphic.” The poignant music video has us hovering above Joesef’s blood-covered body as he lies on the ground looking blankly, singing about his broken heart. "It turned out exactly how I pictured it," he says. The release follows hot on the heels of Joesef’s lush, soul-inflected indie-pop EP ‘Does It Make You Feel Good?’ and arrives just as he readies himself for his upcoming UK and European tour which (Covid life permitting) should kick off this summer.

‘Comedown’ is a particularly moving song from the artist, and the music video will have you captivated. Give it a watch below: