Saisha Bassi - Cash Flows [Audio]

Saisha Bassi | Photography by Anais Lukaku

Saisha Bassi | Photography by Anais Lukaku

Introducing Saisha Bassi, a new face and voice to British music with the release of her debut single ‘Cash Flows.’

The 24 year old East Londoner of Indian heritage, delivers a sultry blend of alt-pop and soul, fusing East Asian influences with an enjoyably apparent English delivery - similar to the style of the late Amy Winehouse.

“‘Cash Flows’ is about defying anyone or anything that prevents you achieving your dreams,” shares Saisha. “Whether you want true love, success or to make money; turning your fear into determination can tear down the system that is used to deter us from going after what we really want.”

Check out Saisha Bassi’s debut single ‘Cash Flows,’ produced by Parker Ighile below. The track is also available to stream on Spotify.